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Scientific work and projects |
Scientific projects, i´m involved in, are funded and supported totally free of charge. All specimens provided in this case are donated. This is part of my philosophy and funded by the captive bred scorpions i sell.
If you are starting serious scientific projects, feel free to send me a proposal for collaboration and some references.
Papers and articles:
Lourenço, W. R., Ythier, E., Stockmann, M., & Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. 2011 . Polymorphism and hybridization in species of Hottentotta Birula, 1908 (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius, No. 124: 1-5.
Stockmann M. 2014. Skorpione Nordafrikas. Bugs Terraristik Themenheft. Natur und Tierverlag GmbH, Münster, 5: 14-29.
Stockmann M. 2014. Auf der Suche nach Skorpionen in Marokko. Bugs Terraristik Themenheft. Natur und Tierverlag GmbH, Münster, 6: 38-44.
Stockmann M. 2015. Latrodectus pallidus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872 - Die Weiße Witwe (Araneida: Theridiidae), Erstnachweis für Marokko, sowie Bemerkungen zur Biologie und Zucht. Arachne, 20(5): 25-33.
Stockmann, M., C. Turiel, F. Althoff, G. Lowe & F. Kovařík 2016. First report of Lissothus occidentalis Vachon, 1950 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Morocco and Western Sahara, with notes on ecology and captive breeding. Euscorpius, 235: 1-12. (12 December 2016)
Seiter, M., Stockmann M. 2017. The life history of the parthenogenetic scorpion Lychas tricarinatus (Simon, 1884) from Odisha province, India and supplementary notes on Tityus trivittatus Kraepelin, 1898 (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 270:
155-165. (05 October 2017)
Šťáhlavský F, Štundlová J, Lowe G, Stockmann M, Kovařík F. Application of cytogenetic markers in the taxonomy of flat rock scorpions (Scorpiones: Hormuridae), with the description of Hadogenes weygoldti sp. n. Zoologischer Anzeiger 273: 173-182.
Lowe, G., F. Kovařík, M. Stockmann & F. Šťáhlavský. 2018. Review of Microbuthus with description of M. satyrus sp. n. (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from Oman and Yemen. Euscorpius, 263: 1-22. (28 June 2018)
Lowe, G., Kovařík, F., Stockmann, M., & Šťáhlavský, F. 2019 . Trypanothacus gen. n., a new genus of burrowing scorpion from the Arabian Peninsula (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius, No. 277: 1-30. (20 February 2019)
Kovařík, F., Lowe, G., Stockmann, M., & Šťáhlavský, F. 2020 . Notes on Compsobuthus Vachon, 1949: redescription of C. arabicus Levy et al., 1973 from Arabia, and description of two new species from North Africa (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius, No. 298: 1-40.
Kovařík, F., Lowe, G., Stockmann, M., & Šťáhlavský, F. 2020 . Two new Chaerilus from Thailand and Laos (Scorpiones: Chaerilidae). Euscorpius, No. 324: 1-20.
Kovařík, F., Lowe, G., Stockmann, M., & Šťáhlavský, F. 2020 . Revision of genus-group taxa in the family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905, with description of 15 new species (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Euscorpius, No. 325: 1-140.
Magalhaes, I. L. F., Stockmann, M.,Marusik, Y. M., Zonstein, S. L. 2020. On Sahastata (Araneae: Filistatidae): complementary description of the generotype and two new species from Oman and Morocco. Zootaxa, 4899.
Stahlavsky, F., Kovařík F., Stockmann M. & Opatova, V. 2021. Karyotype evolution and preliminary molecular assessment of genera in the family Scorpiopidae (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Zoology, 144:125882, 10.1016/j.zool.2020.125882.
Zamani A., Stockmann M., Magalhaes I.L.F., Rheims C.A. 2022. New taxonomic considerations in the spitting spider family Scytodidae (Arachnida:Araneae). Zootaxa 5092: 151–175. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5092.2.1
Coelho P., Kaliontzopoulou A., Sousa P., Stockmann M., van der Meijden A. 2022. Reevaluating scorpion ecomorphs using a naïve approach. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22,17. DOI: 10.1186/s12862-022-01968-0
Kovařík, F., Šťáhlavský, F., & Stockmann, M. 2024. Scorpiops tangae sp. n. (Scorpiones: Scorpiopidae) from Laos. Euscorpius, No. 399: 1-15.
Kovařík, F., Stockmann, M., Šťáhlavský, F., & Yong, S. 2024. Tityopsis rolandoi sp. n. (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Cuba. Euscorpius, No. 400: 1-16.
Sherwood, D.; Tang, V.; Tchilinguirian, J.; Lamare, L.; Croffy, S.; Stockmann, M.; Keller, J.; Gerace, V. 2024. New Cases of Teratology, Albinism, Abnormal Pigmentation, Gynandromorphism, and Injury Healing in Scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Arthropoda 2, 226-249. https://doi.org/10.3390/arthropoda2040017
More in progress ...
Other contributions:
Eiden, Uli. Leben retten und medizinische Selbsthilfe. Mainz 2018.
Kovařík, F., G. Lowe & F. Šťáhlavský. 2016. Review of Northwestern African Buthacus, with description of Buthacus stockmanni sp. n. from Morocco and Western Sahara (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Euscorpius, 236: 1-18. (12 December 2016)
Kovařík, F., G. Lowe & F. Šťáhlavský. 2018. Three new Chaerilus from Malaysia (Tioman Island) and Thailand (Scorpiones: Chaerilidae), with a review of C. cimrmani, C. sejnai, and C. tichyi. Euscorpius, 268: 1-27. (20 September 2018)
Lectures and other Contributions:
10. DeArGe ArachnoWeekend (21.08.2015) - Lecture about the scorpion fauna of Morocco.
Contribution to exhibition in ZFMK - Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig: Spinnen und Skorpione. Eine Erfolgsgeschichte der Evolution (Spiders and scorpions. A success story of evolution).
12. DeArGe ArachnoWeekend (26.08.2017) - Lecture about the biodiversity in scorpions of Southern Africa.
Contribution to exhibition in Cologne Zoo: Spinnen und Skorpione. Eine Erfolgsgeschichte der Evolution (Spiders and scorpions. A success story of evolution).
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Due to lack of time, inquiries for species, which are not in my stocklist, can´t be answered! |
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